Saturday, August 20, 2011

Articles 20VN | Motivation and Self-Improvement: Living Life in 3D ...

What do you Mean by Living Life in 3D?

Well, first let's explore what we know about the notion of "3D" or rather, three-dimensional perspectives. I remember the first time I put on 3D glasses in the movie theatre. I was so shocked at how close the images looked and I felt that whatever was on the screen was close enough to touch me. Do you remember that feeling? What had initially seemed so far away became much more vivid and I was stunned by its clarity. Okay, I hear you saying "that's a cute story, but what does it have to do with me?" Well, I would like to share with you my personal philosophy on developing a three-dimensional perspective. Pay close attention. This will help you.

Here are the three components of THREE-DIMENSIONAL LIVING:





You must be resolute, tenacious and unrelenting. You cannot be weak-minded, easily discouraged or quick to give up.


You must be disciplined enough to submit to and be governed by rules, procedures and routines. Empty promises to yourself will not cause changes to occur in your life. You must follow a plan and STICK TO IT! Remember, great things are only accomplished by doing the little things consistently.


Direction is preceded by discipline and focused effort. Many want direction without discipline, but this is a backwards notion. I know you want to have all of the answers before you take steps, but you cannot have all of the answers immediately. We tend to say that we will stick to a plan once it is laid out for us; however, life does not work this way. You learn as you go.


Many lack the discipline to harness the energy that they experience in their temporary rush of exuberance and exhilaration. Initially, when we embrace a new idea or challenge, we are enthusiastic and optimistic. At some point, however, the adrenaline will slow down and the initial excitement will wear off. Will you remain diligent when your emotional high is gone?

Here's something helpful and important to remember:

"Drive is authentic when you are moved to act; but drive is effective only when you are moved to act consistently. Acting consistently is accomplished only through discipline and focus."

So, are you ready to begin living in 3D? I hope so, as this is the only way to ultimately reach your goals. Make a commitment to yourself today to begin making small changes. Most importantly, be consistent!

copyright 2006. Hobbs Ministries. All rights reserved.


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